
Hilton Design



PDF Layout and Final piece


Bellow are screenshots of my first layout attempt of my whole PDF. I wanted the background to be a nice creamy colour so that the images would sit on the back drop gently. I also placed some shapes in the background and done the same affect I did to the title with the black outline on top of the light green outline. I did this so that the pages didn’t look so empty in places and i also kept the opacity very low so that it didn’t distract viewers to look at the background more than the information on top.

Screenshot 2016-02-04 21.26.02Screenshot 2016-02-04 21.26.17Screenshot 2016-02-04 21.26.32Screenshot 2016-02-04 21.26.41Screenshot 2016-02-04 21.28.07

Below is attached my final PDF

Final PDF’s for The Breathe Project

Mid Pecha Kucha


Here I am going to show a Pecha Kucha on what I have done so far. The reason for doing this was originally to show my class group of my progress but due to unattendance I couldn’t.

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So in slide one I would inform them on what the brief tells us to do and how I’m going to go around of doing it. In the second slide I tell the students of what I analysed at the Design Museum, I answer a couple of questions that we had been asked to answered briefly then will move onto slide three which is my first attempt of developing the research page for my PDF. I go on to say why I laid it out in that certain way and why other ways wouldn’t have worked.

Onto slide four, I talk about the images I found on the web that inspired me to think of the project that I am wanting to work on. Then I go on to talking about my actual idea in the fifth slide giving the class a little information on what to expect of my product that I am creating. In slide six I go on to how I’m finding my audience and talk a little bit about how I surveyed people and what questions I asked them.

I then go onto my logo design in slides seven to nine, I would tell them why I went with the decisions I made and go into detail on my final choice. I then go on to talking about the design of the build and what they’ll look like once they’ve been created, I would show them the final two slides which have my rough sketch development and a part of my actual draw up for my final page in my PDF.

This Pecha Kucha would have given me some time to get feedback from students and lecturers giving me a clearer understanding on what I still need to do, though in a few days I will be back in college and will show my lecturers this to do so.

Product/ Project Name Brainstorm


Im going to try and generate as many names I can think of for my product/ project name, I am going to have to try and find a lot of words that relate to trees, artificial and living nature. Below I will create a list of words that relate to my idea.

  • Green
  • Oxygen
  • Artificial
  • Tree
  • Breath
  • Breathe
  • Life
  • Nerves
  • Movement
  • Synthetic
  • Generater
  • Biologic
  • Fake
  • Natural
  • Live
  • Fresh
  • Growth

Now I am going to mix some of my results up to create some title ideas.

  • Oxygen + Generater = OXYGENerater
  • Artificial + Tree = ArTreeficial
  • Tree + Nerves = Tree of Nerves
  • Biological + Tree = BioTree
  • Growth + Tree = GrowTree
  • Live + Fresh = Live Fresh
  • Breathe = The Breathe Project
  • Tree + Life = The Trees of Life
  • Synthetic + Tree = The Synthetic Tree

I will soon go in to experimenting with a few logo designs for a few of these title ideas, once they’ve been experimented on I will then decide on which one i find works well.



Peter Kennard 2016, IWM Review


Peter Kennard, we’re told, is the most important photomontage artist in Britain. he’s also one of our leading political artists. Political art is notoriously difficult to pull off. You run the risk of elevating your message at the expense of your imagery.

The advantage of the current show is it’s relatively small, just six rooms covering Kennard’s entire, 50-year career. It hones in on the hits and omits many of the misses. We begin with his series inspired by the Iraq War, Decoration (2003-4). These are paintings of military medals, with a twist: the ribbons above take the form of ripped UK or US flags, the medallions beneath take the form of heads of wounded civilians or hooded captives. His use of imagery against a black background is some what haunting, serving to emphasise the meticulously rendered tears on the Union Jacks and Star-Spangled Banners.

Kennard’s work has appeared on badges, posters, pamphlets and T-shirts, for a variety of political causes. Arguably his most famous photomontage, though, that of a grinning Tony Blair taking a selfie as Iraq explodes behind him, is not included in the exhibition, on grounds of a technicality: it was a collaboration and this is a solo show.


Kennard has come to embrace computer technology, but there’s a certain quaintness to his cut paste collages of the Seventies and Eighties. In today’s era of digital image manipulation, his old scalpel work seems rough and ready: clearly not striving to appear real. I found Kennard’s work controversial in most cases however this being a powerful way of sending the huge message across to us all and that is how we need to face reality and the impact in which the war or other important events have had.

Researching into this exhibition I have been able to see how the artist is able to communicate with an audience so powerfully and how this can be achieved in my own ways. Also looking at work based upon the war it is able to relate to the brief as life after and during the war had to be sustainable.

What Could go wrong?


  • Could not find a good enough idea
  • Sickness and weather may cause unattendance
  • Not enough time
  • Hardware failure
  • Not enough research into specific parts of the brief
  • Not having a clear understanding on what to do
  • Lack of knowledge given to complete the brief

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